Monday, August 9, 2010

mid-century modern

I have a confession to make. I am addicted to Etsy. Big time.

It's not just the fact that we have an Ecozuzu store on Etsy. It's the fact that I am obsessed with making treasuries on Etsy! What is a treasury you ask? Well, as you know Etsy sells vintage items or hand-made items by artisans around the world. A treasury is when a seller/buyers like me collects their favorite items on Etsy and arrange them into a specific color or themed collage.

I should have known making treasuries would be addicting for me (seeing that one entire wall in my office is covered in a ceiling to floor massive collage that I made eight years ago). I've been adding to it ever since.

The other reason I like making treasuries, is it feels like going window shopping. Who doesn't like to do that? I also like promoting other artists, while also promoting my own store. It's also a fun competition to try and get your treasury on Etsy's official front page. I love me a good competition ;)

Well, maybe I can ease up now because my latest treasury was featured on the Etsy home page yesterday!

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